View Awards for a Class

You can view the awards that have been added to your course or that you have issued to students in a classlist. Students can view a list of the awards they have received and the available awards. 

To View Awards You Have Issued to Students

  1. From within any course, on the Navbar, click [Collaboration] → [Awards].

  2. Click on the [Classlist Awards] tab. This will show you a list of every award that has been given to every student.

    Shows Classlist Awards

  3. To view the awards for the a specific section you are in, select the course section from the dropdown menu in the top right corner.

    Indicates dropdown menu

  4. You can choose the sort order from the second dropdown menu.

    Indicates Sort Order dropdown

To View Available Awards in a Course

  1. From within any course, on the Navbar, click [Collaboration] → [Awards].

  2. Click the [Course Awards] tab to see the awards that are available in a course.

    Indicates Course Awards tab