Annotate Student Submissions

D2L Assignments contain a built-in annotation toolbar that allows faculty to highlight, draw, create shapes, and write comments on student submissions. 

Enabling/Disabling Annotations

  1. From the Assignments listing, click the arrow beside the Assignment folder and select [Edit Folder].

    Assignment folder menu options with

  2. On the right-hand side of that page, locate and expand [Evaluation & Feedback] → Check [Make annotation tools available for assessment].

  3. Click [Save and Close].

Accessing Annotations in a Student Submission

  1. From the [Assignment Folders] page, click the folder to view its submissions.

  2. Click the [Title] of the student submission.
    File submission listing for an assignment folder.

  3. Annotation tools will appear in the upper left and right sides of the document viewer. Click on each tool to enable and use it.

    Annotation tool options.