Semester Start - Instructor Checklist

Additional Comments
Course Shell Verification
Verify your course shell is present in your D2L course list.If it is not, check in iStar. Contact your chair or Department Manager if the course is missing in iStar. Contact Technical Support if it is only missing in D2L.
Activate your D2L section early.Activation allows your students to:
  • Access your course once the start date arrives.
  • See the course link in their My Courses list if they are enrolled in the course.
  • Verify that their course registration is accurate prior to the first day of class.
Confirm Roster
Merge course rosters.To merge multiple course rosters, please enter the course in D2L you wish to designate as the primary course and go to VTAC Support > Self-Service > Course Design > Merge Course Rosters.

NOTE: If your secondary sections do not show up when you click the primary section, check the "Active" tab at the bottom of the screen to inactivate sections that are already active. This will allow them to be merged.
Reconcile your D2L roster 
(daily for the first week).
  1. In D2L, go to VTAC Support > Self Service > User Access > Reconcile Your Rosters.
  2. Click the [Enroll into D2L] or [Un-enroll from D2L] button to correct the roster. 
  3. Repeat regularly until registration is complete.
NOTE: Without this tool, it can take up to 36 hours for iStar updates to be reflected in D2L.
Add other instructors, TAs, etc.
  1. In D2L, go to VTAC Support > Self-Service > User Access > Add a User to Your Section
  2. Submit the request form with the username or ID for all of the other instructors, TAs, etc. you want to have access to your course.
NOTE: You must have the username or ID of the user you are trying to add to your course; you cannot search with the user's name.
Become familiar with VTAC Services.In D2L, go to VTAC Support > Assistance.
Complete any necessary Online Teaching CertificationIn D2L, go to VTAC Support > Learning > Online Teaching Certification to sign up for certifications.
Build Course Content
Build, copy, or update course content.Build, copy, import, or update course components from sandbox or previous course as needed.
Update all course dates (due dates, date restrictions, etc.).Add any other desired restrictions, conditional releases, or calendar dates. The Manage Dates tool is available from the Course Management > Course Admin link on the navbar.
Add or check Grade Items and Associations.
Add or check Assignments.
Update the Lockdown Browser Dashboard after you copy a course.If you use LockDown Browser and have copied quizzes from another course or previous semester, the Dashboard must be visited before the first quiz to avoid student errors. Click on Course Activities > Quizzes and click the LockDown Browser tab to accomplish this task.
Add or check Quizzes (preview and complete as a student).
Add or check Discussions.
Make sure publisher materials import correctly.
Add new welcome announcement/video/ audio in an announcement item on the course home page. Send welcome email to students.
Update syllabus and schedule with current semester information.