Archive or Restore a Course

The Archive and Restore Courses form can be used to restore or archive courses and sandboxes. The easy-to-use toggle-switch allows you to simply toggle a course's state between archived or available.

NOTE: All archived courses will be kept for no more than 7 years before they are purged. See the D2L Course Purge article for more details on the purging process

  1. Click [VTAC Support] on the navbar.

    D2L Navbar with VTAC Support Identified

  2. In the Self-Service column, under Course Design, click [Archive/Restore Courses] to open the form.

    Identifies Archived/Restore Courses link

  3. When you first open the form, under Select Term click [Select One].

  4. Choose the semester of the desired course from the list that appears.

  5. Once you have chosen a semester, all relevant courses and sandboxes will appear under Courses Available. For each course you will see the following info:
    1. Title
    2. Course Offering Code
    3. Current Status (either Archived or Available/Restored).

  6. Click the [Restore] switch next to any Archived course to restore the course. Once you have restored a course, the status will change to Restored and you will see a green open lock icon showing the process is complete. The course will then appear on your D2L dashboard for immediate use (it may be necessary to refresh the page for the course to appear).

  7. Click the [Archive] toggle-switch next to any Available/Restored course to archive the course. Once you have archived a course, the course's status will change to Archived and you will see a yellow closed lock icon indicating the process is complete. The course will then be cleared from your D2L dashboard (it may be necessary to refresh the page for the course to disappear).