Disable Fast Forwarding on a YuJa Video/Playback Quiz

Playback Quizzes allow instructors to give students credit for watching a video. 

  1. From your YuJa Media Library, locate the video for which you want to create a Video Playback Quiz. Then, hover the mouse over the video and select [More].

  2. Select [Quizzes] on the left navigation pane, followed by [Create Playback Quiz].
  3. Give the quiz a Title, then choose between:

    1. Give full credit based on threshold: This option allows instructors to specify a percentage amount of the video for students to watch. Students who watch less than the specified percentage will earn a grade of 0. Students who meet or watch more than the specified percentage will earn a 100.

    2. Give credit based on percentage watched: This option allows instructors to award students credit based on the percentage amount their students watched. For example, a student who watches 75% of a video will earn a 75 for a grade.

    When finished, select [Create].
  4. Once saved, select [Edit] to access additional quiz settings.

  5. Select [Edit this Quiz].

  6. Select [Settings].

  7. Select [Disable Fast Forwarding] followed by [Save].

    NOTE: Students who go back to review the video will not be able to fast forward to a particular spot. They will need to rewatch the entire video.

  8. Select [Save].

  9. To finish saving, you must select a course from the Save Quiz window followed by [Publish].

    NOTE: This step will NOT post the quiz to your course as the message suggests. To add the video quiz to your course, watch the video found in the Create a YuJa Video Quiz article. 

Additional Resource

YuJa Video/Playback Quiz Grades Not Syncing To D2L Gradebook
YuJa Tips