Detecting Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

In 2023, LSC was given a free trial of Turnitin’s AI Writing Detection tool. Due to strong faculty demand, AI Writing Detection for Turnitin Feedback Studio has returned to D2L at Lone Star College.

This feature detects when AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT, may have been used in a student submission and provides a report detailing what percentage of the text in the submission has been determined to be AI-generated. The detector also attempts to recognize instances where students use text spinners or other AI tools to rephrase AI-generated content. AI detection reports are available for any Assignment in which you have enabled Turnitin Similarity Reports.

While this is a useful tool, we caution faculty to keep in mind that when using this, or any other AI detection tool or website, there is always a chance of a false-positive, and Turnitin states that the results of the AI detection report should not be used as the sole basis for determining academic misconduct.

In addition to Turnitin's AI Writing Detection tool, here is a list of other AI detection tools which are free to use.

Remember, it is crucial to recognize the limitations and inconsistencies associated with these AI detection tools. Caution should be taken anytime AI detection tools are used to evaluate students’ written responses.

This page will be updated as information becomes available regarding any LSC system-wide decisions.