Add Top Hat to Your D2L Course

Top Hat is a student response, web-based system. Instructors can use Top Hat to poll students, ask discussion prompts, present lecture material and track attendance. Students can respond to Top Hat questions and prompts using the devices they already own.

NOTE: LSC-Online does not have access to your Top Hat account. For more information about Top Hat please visit or email LSC’s Top Hat representative Mary Coman: or

Activating Top Hat in your D2L Course

  1. Send an email to

  2. Include a list of the courses, complete with course ID, section numbers and terms, in which you want to use Top Hat.

Connecting Top Hat with your D2L Course

Once the integration has been set up in your course, use the following steps to add content to your course.

  1. Navigate to a Content Module and click [Add Existing Activities] and [Third-party Integrations].

  2. Search for Top Hat in the Search Box and select [Top Hat 1.3].

  3. Select [Top Hat 1.3] from your content module.

  4. Select [Accept] to allow Top Hat to connect to your D2L section.

    Identifies Open as External Resource checkbox

  5. Search and select [Lone Star College System] and log into your Top Hat account. If you don’t have a Top Hat account, click [Create One] at the bottom of the page.

    Identifies View Topic link

  6. If you have already created a Top Hat course, select that course to connect to your D2L section and click [Continue]. If you haven’t made a course yet, choose [Create a New Course].

    Identifies Log in button

  7. Now your D2L course is connected to Top Hat

Adding Top Hat Content to a Module

  1. Navigate to the Content Module you wish Top Hat items to be placed in and click [Add Existing Activities] and select [Top Hat 1.3 Deep Link Quick Link].

  2. Select the Content you wish to add to the D2L Module by selecting the checkbox next to each item. If this is a graded item, make sure [Sync grade of selected content] is checked. Then click [Continue].

    NOTE: If [Sync Grade of selected content] was selected, a Grade Item in D2L will be instantly and automatically created with the same name.

  3. If the items are correct on the Confirmation window, click [Confirm].

  4. Your Top Hat items are now linked in your D2L Module.