Some of the webinar training sessions that are happening across the system are being recorded for those who could not be in attendance. This page will be regularly updated with a list of recorded training sessions, organized by category.
If you made a recording about online teaching and want to link to it here, please contact Eddie Brega.
D2L Showcase
In November 2024, D2L visited Lone Star College to show off some of the new features they are working on. Here is a recording of their presentation.
- "D2L Showcase" (1:20) - NEW
D2L Training
- What's New in D2L - NEW
- "What's New for Spring 2025" by Juan Mandujano (9:22) (links)
- "The Online Update - Spring 2025" by Eddie Brega (6:04)
- Getting Started
- "Diving into D2L" by Jennifer Stallman (1:04)
- "Moving from Face-to-Face to Online" by Jennifer Stallman (1:14)
- "Session Jumpstart" by Jennifer Stallman (0:53)
- "Streamline Your Course" by Cynthia Shade (1:15)
- "Feedback for Students" by Cynthia Shade (1:23)
- "Popular D2L Topics" by Cynthia Shade
- D2L Intro & Gradebook (0:46)
- Discussions (0:46)
- Content Page (0:19)
- Assignment Folders (0:18)
- Quizzes (0:50)
- General Questions - Session 1 (0:37) and Session 2 (0:35)
- Gradebook Topics
- "Gradebook Setup & Why" by Cynthia Shade (0:52)
- "Managing Your Gradebook" by Jennifer Stallman (0:44)
- "Using the D2L Gradebook" by Eddie Brega (0:59)
- "Online Course Maintenance: Tips to Save Time Later"
by Cynthia Shade (0:56)
- Other D2L Tools
- "D2L Replacement Strings Updates" by Joseph Tatum (0:23) - NEW
- "Introducing Creator+" by George Rodriguez (0:58)
- "Data Series: Course-Level Analytics" by D2L (0:28)
- "Automating Early Warnings with Intelligent Agents" by Harlan Williams (0:49)
- "Equatio for Accessibility and More" by Adriana Novaes (0:41) (links)
- "Expand Your D2L Toolbox" by Eddie Brega (0:54)
- "Rubric Tool" by Sharon Limegrover (0:30)
- "Third Party Tools in D2L" by Seetha Natarajan (0:22)
- "Turnitin" by George Rodriguez (1:01)
- "Video Note for Discussions & Feedback" by Cynthia Shade (0:42)
- End-of-Semester Topics
- "Importing Publisher or External Grades" by Alex Suchon (0:54)
- "Gradebook Wrap Up" by Jennifer Stallman (0:40)
- "Assemble Your Final Grade Packet" by Cynthia Shade (0:45)
- "Packaging Up End of Semester Grades" by Sharon Limegrover (0:20)
- D2L Topics by Harlan Williams
- 5 Course Tricks That Will Change Your World (0:45)
- 5 Really Really Basic Windows Skills (0:45)
- Assembling Your Grade Packet (0:36)
- Check-in Quizzes (0:10)
- Communicating with Your Students (0:26)
- Creating Activities in SoftChalk (0:50)
- D2L On Your Devices (0:24)
- Designing for Disaster (0:22)
- ePublishing Landscape @ Lone Star College (0:16)
- How To Get A Course Up That Starts Tomorrow! (0:15)
- Proctorless Quizzes (0:11)
- Release Conditions (0:07)
- Review of Learning Object Repositories (0:16)
- Semester Start Checklist (0:15)
- Student Engagement (0:24)
- Suggestions for Subjective Assessments (0:09)
- Zen and the Art of Brightspace by D2L (0:29)
- D2L Guided Training Webinars by D2L, Inc.
Online Teaching
- "Basics of Online Pedagogy" by Jennifer Stallman (0:56)
- "Course Mapping: Using a Backward Design Approach" by Maria Block (0:45)
- "Quality Matters Mini: Accessibility" by Alex Suchon (0:36)
D2L Course Tours
- These video links have been moved to the Course Tours page.
- "Instructor's Guide to Ally" by Tamara Herod (0:32)
- "Ally - Instructor Training" by Anthology (1:12)
- "Increase Equitable Access with Ally" (0:45) (slide deck)
- "IntelliWriter Faculty Training" by Vantage (0:55)
- "ProctorU - LSC Faculty Training" by ProctorU (0:40) (website) - NEW
- "LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor" by Respondus (0:50)
- "Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network" by Respondus (0:41) (Alternate)
- "StudyMate Campus - Instructor Training" by Respondus (0:30)
SoftChalk Cloud and Create
- "SoftChalk Overview for LSC Faculty - 2024" (1:04)
- "SoftChalk Hands-on Training for LSC Faculty - 2024" (1:43)
- SoftChalk Tutorial Videos created by SoftChalk
TechSmith Camtasia
- "Getting Started with Camtasia" by TechSmith (0:52) - NEW
- "Using Camtasia Rev" by TechSmith (0:25)
- "Camtasia: Generating Educational Videos" by TechSmith (0:56)
TechSmith Snagit
"Getting Started with Snagit" by TechSmith (0:51) - NEW
- "Turnitin Feedback Tools" by Turnitin (0:19) - NEW
- "How to Use Webex" by Alex Suchon (0:53)
- "Popular Topics: Webex" by Cynthia Shade (0:55)
- Webex Meeting Tutorial Videos created by Cisco
YuJa Video Platform
- "YuJa Overview - July 2023" by YuJa (0:53) (May Session)
- "YuJa Introductory Workshop" by YuJa (0:43) (Other Session)
- "YuJa Training: Video Quizzes" by YuJa (0:46)
- "YuJa Training: Usage & Analytics" by YuJa (0:42)
- "YuJa: Creating Videos Workshop" by YuJa (1:00)
- "YuJa: Hands-on Workshop" by YuJa (0:55)