Record with YuJa Browser Capture Studio

This article illustrates how to record a video using YuJa Browser Capture.

Launch YuJa Browser Capture

  1. From the Course NavBar, select [Course Activities] followed by [YuJa Video Platform].

  2. From the YuJa homepage, Click on [Create Recording] at the top of the page.

    Indicates Create Recording
  3. Click the drop-down menu under Select Your Preferred Capture Device, you will see two options:

    1. [Software Capture for PC or Mac]: Select this when you require more control over your recordings and need advanced features.

    2. [Browser Capture]: Select this when you need a quick and simple way to record your screen directly from your browser, such as capturing a short presentation or demonstrating a webpage.

      Select [Browser Capture] followed by [Start].

      Identifies Record with Browser Capture Studio
      The Browser Capture window will launch and open as seen below.

Record Settings

You can choose to record with either your Camera, Microphone, record your Screen, or any combination of the three. 

Enable Screen Recording

To record your screen, do the following.

  1. Select [Present] on the YuJa toolbar.

  2. Choose what to record from the share window.

    1. Record your browser: If you want to record your browser, select the [Browser tab] tab. The tab will include the name of the browser you are currently using. Select the browser tab you would like to share, followed by [Share]. Refer to the example image below.

    2. Record an application: If you would like to record an application (such as PowerPoint), select the [Window] tab. Select the application you would like to share, followed by [Share]

    3. Record the entire screen: If you would like to record your entire screen, select the [Entire Screen] tab. Select the screen you would like to share, followed by [Share].

      NOTE: Minimized windows will not appear as a selection here, the window must be restored to a normal size first.

      Identifies Screen 1 and Allow boxes.

Enable Your Camera

To record with your web camera, do the following.

NOTE: When performing any of these actions, if you see a pop-up message like the one below, select [Allow].

  1. Select [Camera] on the Yuja toolbar.

  2. Select the camera you would like to record with if needed.

Enable Your Microphone

To record with your microphone, do the following.

  1. Select [Microphone] from the YuJa toolbar.

  2. Select the microphone you would like to record with if needed.

    Identifies the arrow at the bottom right of Default Audio box.
  3. Verify that the audio bar in the upper right is detecting sound, you should see it fluctuating according to your voice.

    Shows the blue audio bar on the audio box.

Start and Stop Recording

  1. Once you have made all your selections, select [Start Recording].

  2. When your are finished recording, return to the YuJa Browser Capture tab and select [Stop Recording].

  3. Select one of the three options:

    1. [Watch Video]: Will allow you to watch the video you just recorded.

    2. [New Recording]: Allows you to immediately begin recording another video.

    3. [Go to My Media]: Will take you to your Yuja homepage.

      NOTE: Regardless of what option you select, your video will automatically upload to your YuJa Media Library

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