NOTE: When you are creating a news announcement and need to embed a YuJa video, use the Source Code (HTML Editor) option, instead of the [Insert stuff] → [Enter Embed Code] route.
- Under Content, navigate to the module you wish to add your YuJa video.
- From within the module, click on [Add Existing Activities], scroll down and click on [YuJa Media QuickLink].
- Pull and drag the corner icon as shown here to expand the Media Chooser window.
- Highlight your video(s) you wish to upload, then click on [Insert Content]. You can type in the name of the video in the Search field to find your video faster.
- Back in the D2L Module:
Upon inserting the video(s), the video title(s) will show up in the module. Each video will be given a separate link. - Scroll further down for more options to [Add dates and restrictions], or to [Add a grade item].
- Your YuJa videos should now show up in your module.