Introducing the New Discussion Creation Experience Print Version

NOTE: The New Discussion Creation Experience will become the default experience in December 2023.

The redesigned create and edit screen for Discussion topics has the same layout as in Assignments and Quizzes, making it familiar and easy to learn.

To switch to the New Discussion Creation Experience, please follow the steps below:

  1. From within your D2L Course, navigate to [Collaboration] -> [Discussions].

  2. From the Discussions page, click [New] -> [New Topic].

  3. Click on the [Down arrow] near the upper right corner of the page, below the settings cogwheel.

  4. You will toggle the new discussion create/edit panel. The panel will show if the new experience is currently on/off.
    If it's currently off, click on [Turn it on].

  5. You will now be at the New Discussion Creation Screen.
    Looks familiar? That's because the new discussion creation process now uses the same layout as the creation process for Assignments and Quizzes.

    NOTE: For more detailed info on the new layout and its functions, please refer to Welcome to the New Discussion Creation Experience article on the Brightspace Community Site.

  6. You can always switch it back to the Classic experience by clicking on the Down Arrow again, then click on [Turn it off].

NOTE: Please refer to Introducing the New Discussion Creation Experience on the Brightspace Community Site for more details on the changes.