Grade a Discussion

To grade a discussion with a rubric, see Grade a Discussion with a Rubric.

Grade All Posts in a Topic

NOTE: You must first associate a grade item with the discussion topic or you will not see Assess Topic in the options.

  1. Click the arrow next to the topic name and select [Assess Topic].

    Identifies Assess Topic option and indicates topic context menu
  2. A list of students will show up with a Topic Score link under each student's name. Click on the [Topic Score] link, and a window will appear with all of that student's posts in the topic.

    Indicates Topic Score link on Assess Topic page
  3. To evaluate the student's posts, do the following:

    1. Click on the [Overall Grade] field to enter a grade for the student.
    2. Add feedback for the student in the Overall Feedback area.
    3. A word count appears on the Assessment page during the discussions assessment process, and it also appears inline with the post details in the Discussions Reading View and Grid View.
    4. Click [Publish] if your feedback is finalized and you want the grade to appear in the gradebook. Click Save Draft if you would like to modify your feedback at a later time.

      Identifies word count, Publish and Save Draft buttons also indicates score and feedback fields.
    5. In the upper right of the assess topic screen, find the options menu (the [...]) and [rubric access] and [statistics] buttons. Use these to move between rubrics as well as other discussion posts quickly.

      Indicates options menu and rubric access, Identifies rubric statistics.
  4. From the Assess Topic page, you can view student scores and the dates and times that feedback was published.

    Shows the Assess Topic page with score and status.
  5. To Publish or Retract feedback for specific students:

    • Select the students using the checkboxes in the first column.
    • Click [Publish Feedback] or [Retract Feedback].
    • Click [Yes] to confirm your selection.

      Identifies Publish feedback and retract feedback links and indicates the topic score checkbox location
  6. To Publish or Retract feedback for all students:

    • On the Assess Topic page, click [Publish All Feedback] or [Retract All Feedback].
    • Click [Yes] to confirm your selection.

      Identifies Publish all feedback and Retract all feedback links.

To see the original discussion post or other students' replies to that post, click on the title of the post. 

Identifies link to original post