New Articles

  1. New Quiz Evaluation Experience New

    The New Quiz Evaluation Experience  features the option to Manually Grade Quiz Attempts . This offers a similar evaluation experience to Assignments and Discussions , promoting a consistent and familiar experience for instructors. The quiz ev...
  2. Evaluate and Publish Assignment Submissions New

    This article describes how to evaluate and publish assignment submissions as an assignment evaluator and/or publisher. The process will differ depending on the assignment settings.  Access Assignment Submissions Once the assign...
  3. Post-December 2024: Send Emails To Students in D2L New

    Post-December 2024, emailing your students via the D2L Email Tool will be functionally identical to how you email your students from before. There will be no changes to the navigation when sending a mass email through the Compose-New-Message w...
  4. Automatic Zeroes for Overdue Submissions New

    The Automatic Zeroes for Missing Submissions  feature allows Faculty to automatically apply a grade of zero to any student who has not submitted an Assignment , Quiz , or Third-party Integration activity by the due date. This can be turned on...
  5. Grade a Written Response Quiz Question with a Rubric New

    For instructions on attaching a rubric to a written response question, see Add and Edit Quiz Questions . You can now evaluate a student's response to a Written Response quiz question using a rubric. This will allow you to grade each student...
  6. Turn On New Quiz Evaluation Experience New

    The New Quiz Evaluation Experience offers a similar experience to Assignments  and Discussions , promoting a consistent and familiar experience for instructors. It offers a two-panel view to easily score and provide feedback for individual q...
  7. Assign Multiple Evaluators and Publishers for Assignments New

    The Select  Evaluators feature in Assignments allows instructors to delegate the evaluation of student work to other instructors within a D2L course. This is particularly useful for managing large workloads and providing students with diver...
  8. Post-December 2024: Send a Copy of Outgoing D2L Emails to Your Outlook Inbox New

    Instructors using D2L Brightspace can set up automatic forwarding of outgoing emails to their Microsoft Outlook inbox. This article outlines the steps to streamline email records, keeping all communications accessible in one central location. ...
  9. Insert Practice Questions Using Creator+ New

    D2L Creator+ Insert Practice  offers the ability to embed interactive practice questions in your HTML course content files. Insert Practice questions cannot be synced to the gradebook. They are meant to allow students to check their level of ...
  10. Access Your LSC Emails through the Microsoft 365 Widget New

    NOTE : Please visit the Microsoft 365 FAQs page for more info. The Microsoft 365 Widget provides instructors with convenient access to their Employee Email  through Microsoft 365 from within D2L Brightspace. Please note that while b...