Find the Reliability Coefficient for a Quiz
The Insights Portal allows you to measure the quality of your assessments based on several metrics , including the reliability coeffiecient. To view those metrics: On your D2L homepage, click on Faculty Tools in the navbar and choose Insight...
Preview Quizzes
The quiz preview option allows you to test the accuracy of your quiz content and grading before you release a quiz. While previewing a quiz, you can answer the questions, view allowed hints, submit the quiz, auto-grade answers, read feedback, and vi...
Print a Copy of an Exam with Answers
The quickest and best way to print an exam with answers is to use Respondus 4.0 , a test generation application supported by LSC-Online.
See Install or Update Respondus 4.0 & StudyMate Author for installation information.
NOTE: ...
Quiz Statistics - Insights Portal
The Faculty Assessment Quality dashboard provides a visualization to help faculty understand the quality of assessments using quiz and question statistics for quiz and question types, such as: Reliability Average grade Discrimination index Poin...