New Articles

  1. Edit an Attendance Register; Delete a Session

    Edit an Attendance Register Go to Course Activities  > Attendance . From the dropdown menu beside the register you want to edit, choose Edit Register . You can now edit any of the fields as in Creating an Attendance Register . De...
  2. Enter Grades

    This area displays your gradebook sorted by student name by default. You can switch between the standard view of the gradebook and a spreadsheet view that allows you to enter grades directly into the gradebook list. Show Video Walkthrough ...
  3. Restrict Assignment Submission Options

    Navigate to the Edit Folder page Click Course Activities on the navbar and choose Assignments . Click on New Folder or click on the context menu of any assignment and choose  Edit Folder . Set the file submission options On the P...
  4. Assign the Same Grade to Multiple Students

    The following article explains how to simultaneously  assign the same grade for multiple students. Within the course, click Grades  > Enter Grades . Click on the arrow next to a grade item title. Select Enter Grades from the dr...
  5. Associate Assignment Folders with Learning Objectives

    By associating an assignment folder with a learning objective, you can tie the assignment to a competency you want students to master. This association can be a basic association or an association with a rubric-based assessment. Associate an assign...
  6. Create a Group Assignment

    You may want to create an assignment that allows a group of students to turn in a single submission. This allows you to assign a single grade to the students in the group automatically, and any of the students are able to turn in the submission. You...
  7. Connect a Rubric to an Assignment

    Show Video Walkthrough From the Assignment Submissions Folder List ( Course Activities  > Assignments ), select Edit Folder from the context menu next to the Assignment name. Click Add Rubric on the Properties tab. ...
  8. Add Topics to a Content Module

    Once you have created a module or sub-module to your table of contents, you can add topics to that module. Show Video Walkthrough To add files from your computer, the Manage files area, or the LOR, to create links, or to create a file: C...
  9. Create a Selectbox Grade Column

    A Selectbox grade item allows you to grade students by assigning a grade scheme level that is equivalent to a percentage grade (e.g. 90%-100% = “Excellent”). NOTE: The Selectbox grade item cannot be associated with content tools. Rat...
  10. Create an ePortfolio Presentation

    Creating a Presentation Click on Collaboration on the navbar and then choose ePortfolio . Choose My Items  and click on New Presentation. Under Properties, enter a Name (required). Enter a Description (optional). Enter Ta...