Adding Files to a Module
Once you have created a module or sub-module in your table of contents, you can add topics to that module. To add files from your computer, such as your syllabus and instructional materials: Show Video Walkthrough Click the module in ...
Add Topics to a Content Module
Once you have created a module or sub-module to your table of contents, you can add topics to that module. Show Video Walkthrough To add files from your computer, the Manage files area, or the LOR, to create links, or to create a file: C...
Add a YouTube Video to Your Course
You can add a YouTube video anywhere you find the [Insert Stuff] icon in a WYSIWYG/HTML editor. Inside the WYSIWYG/HTML editor (Assignment Submission, Discussion Post, Composing an Email, etc.), click on the [ Insert Stuff] icon in the tool...
Change and Replace Files
The Change File action is beneficial to users who are not making major course changes and want to upload an updated file in place of an existing file link in a course. Users who primarily copy templates can use Change File to replace template placeh...
Copy Course Components (Simple)
NOTE : The following steps must be carried out within the destination course , which is where you intend to copy the course content to. Navigate to [Course Admin] . Click [Import/Export/Copy Components] . Click the radio button...
Copy Course Components (Advanced)
The Import/Export/Copy Components tool provides several channels through which content can be brought into, or exported from, a course offering (Org Unit). This tool is commonly used for copying some or all of the content from a previous semester’...
Create a Clickable PDF in an Announcement
Creating clickable PDFs in an announcement, or within any D2L WYSIWYG Editor ( What You See is What You Get ) enables faculty to provide students with easy access to link resources directly from course materials. This guide outlines how to make ...
Create a File Using the Content Tool
You can create an HTML file directly from the D2L Content tool. This will allow you to share information without having to create a file in another program such as Microsoft Word . The HTML editor ensures that you don't have to know any HTML in...
Create a Link
Once you have created a module or sub-module in your table of contents, you can add links to websites in that module. To add links: Click the module in the Table of Contents on the left. Click on the [New] button. Choose the [Crea...
Create a PDF from a Word Document
All Microsoft Office products can produce PDF documents. There are advantages to using PDF in your course rather than original files produced in MS 365 products: The d ocument looks the same for every student no matter what operating system or...
Create a Quicklink
Any place you have the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) text editor, its toolbar incudes Quicklink . Select the words in your text that you want to use for the quicklink. In the HTML editor , click on the [Quicklink icon ]. Choos...
Create Modules and Submodules in Content
You must create a module before you can add topics. You can create submodules (modules within existing modules) to establish a deeper hierarchy. Show Video Walkthrough To Add a Module On the Navbar , click [Content] . In the Table...
Customize Content Using Replace Strings
Automatically Customize Course Content Using Replace Strings
A replacement string allows instructors to customize course content and communications in D2L by incorporating the intended student's personalized information, such as their name, aut...
Delete All Content from a Course
You should ONLY do this when the wrong content or duplicate content has been imported into your course. Make sure there are no other instructors in your course. You will need to navigate to these areas and delete content: Third-Party Integr...
Embed Videos from Academic Video Online to D2L
If you are an instructor looking for educational videos to embed in D2L content, explore the library's subscription database Academic Video Online: Premium . You can find it in the list of the library's video databases . NOTE: Students ma...
File Conversion Tool
As you are posting materials online, you may need to convert files from one format to another - for accessibility, pedagogical, or various other reasons. As an example, you may want to convert a PDF file to an MP3 so students can access the material...
Fix Broken Links
At times, after copying course content, you may have broken links in your modules. To fix broken links: Click the words [ Broken Topic] link. The Add Activity pop-up window displays. In this example, since the broken link was an assignment...
Graphical Editor & LaTeX
Inserting Formulas From HTML Equation Editor From Assignments To access the Equation Editor from the HTML Editor toolbar, click [+] , then click [Equation] . You will then be presented with the list of Equation Editors , which enables use...
How to Share Course Materials with Others
How to Share Course Material through a Community Group Show Video Walkthrough The owner/sharer/coordinator of the course materials creates a community group, following the directions in Create a Community Group . This person is the Grou...
HTML Editor Basics
There are multiple parts to the HTML editor. The upper toolbar of the HTML/WYSIWYG editor is very similar to the toolbar in most document editors, such as MS Word. If you do not see this full toolbar, click the [...] icon on the far right of the ...
HTML Editor - Accessibility Checker
NOTE : For additional info, please refer to our Accessibility section. An accessibility checker is available within the HTML Editor for use within Content, Widgets, Quizzes, Assignments, Calendar, and any other tool where an instructor o...
Import Zipped Content
Content imported into a course shell will, with one exception, NOT overwrite or delete existing content. For example, if content from a course is copied into a shell multiple times, the content will be duplicated each time...
My Courses Widget
My Courses Widget Overview The My Courses widget displays courses as a grid of tiles at the top of your Home page in D2L. Pinning and Unpinning Courses To pin a course, hover over the course image until you see the Options menu, indicated b...
Remove Third-Party Integration Content and the Associated Grade Items
Third-party Integration Content refers to certain publisher content, McGraw Hill videos, Cengage integrations, and other vendor content. ALERT : If you remove a Third-party Integration item from a course without disassociating it from its Gr...
Set Release Conditions for Content Modules and Topics
Release conditions allow you to create a custom learning path through the materials in your course. These conditions allow you to associate the ability to see content with other actions in D2L. For example, you can require that students meet some cr...
Visibility and Completion Options in Content Modules
Modules and topics have the ability to be hidden or made visible. Additionally, Faculty can adjust how users track their completion of modules and topics in D2L. Adjust Visibility of Modules and Sub-Modules From [Content] , click the name of t...
Delete a Module or Topic
Occasionally, you will need to delete a topic or even delete an entire module. This technique can be particularly useful when you have copied a course more than once and have multiple copies of a module in your course. You may also find it helpful i...