Install EquatIO for accessibility and more

EquatIO allows the creation of digital equations and formulas. It also offers other STEM and graphing tools. EquatIO can be used within the D2L Editor, on your desktop (Windows or Mac), and in Google Chrome. EquatIO formulas enable the user to read, write, and listen to scientific material because EquatIO generates alternative text, attached to the formula image, containing its description. This alternative text is used by readers such as Read Speaker and Read and Write.

See the article Use EquatIO for more information on how to use this. 

EquatIO in the D2L Editor

To use EquatIO in the D2L Editor, no installation is needed. EquatIO is accessible through the Insert Stuff option on the Editor Toolbar. Read Use EquatIO for futher details. The EquatIO version built into D2L does not present all the features available in the desktop (Windows or Mac) and Google Chrome Extension versions. The EquatIO Mobile, Screenshot Reader and Stem Tools (Periodic table, Scientific Calculator and, Molecular Viewer) and Edit Math are not available in the built-in D2L version. This version does not work in iPads (See EquatIO Mathspace website).

EquatIO for Google Chrome

The Google Chrome Extension is available to Insert Math and Edit Math in certain browser applications such as D2L.  This version does not work in iPads (See EquatIO Mathspace website).

NOTE: In order to Install EquatIO for Google Chrome follow the instructions in the link bellow. Remember to select the Microsoft Office option and to use your LSC credentials: email and password.

How to Install EquatIO for Google Chrome Extension

EquatIO for desktop (Windows or MAC)

The Desktop version is used to Insert Math and Edit Math in Microsoft Word. It is not used with D2L or other browser applications. Nevertheless, the content created in the Desktop version can be copied into D2L. Watch this video for further instructions: Copy Math from EquatIO Desktop into D2L.  This version does not work on iPads (See EquatIO Mathspace website).

NOTE: In order to Install EquatIO for desktop (Windows and MAC) follow the instructions in the link below. Remember to select the Microsoft Office option and to use your LSC credentials: email and password.

How to Install EquatIO for desktop (Windows and Mac)

NOTE: Once it is installed, you will need to put in the product code G2Q89FXN.

EquatIO Mathspace website (

Equatio Math Space is a web-based tool that allows the creation of a digital "space" with equations, shapes, and freehand drawings. The link to "space" can be shared by students and instructors. This version works in iPads.

 The EquatIO website contains a enhanced shape's library that is not available in the other versions. The "space" can be downloaded as a png or pdf, however those files are not accessible. Instructors may create Assignments in the EquatIO Math Space website. These assignments are not integrated to D2L gradebook.