D2L Student Training

Students who are taking any fully online or hybrid courses are required to complete the D2L Student Training. They must finish the cumulative quiz with a score of 80% or higher before they can access their online or hybrid courses.

Shows the Getting Started page of the D2L Student Training.

Students who have not successfully completed the training have a “hold” on their D2L accounts, preventing them from viewing content in their online and hybrid courses. This hold is released when students complete the training quiz with an 80% or better score.

This training was previously called "Student Orientation for Online Courses."

Verifying Student Training Status

  1. On the first week of classes it is good practice to email the students that have not completed the D2L Student Training. To verify if a student has completed the D2L Student Training, navigate to [Collaboration] -> [Classlist].

  2. Under Classlist, If a student has not completed the D2L Student Training, the Role column will display Student Orientation.

  3. To access the list of students who need to complete the D2L Student Training, select the [Needs Orientation] tab on the Classlist. Verify the number of rows displayed per page to ensure it displays all students who still need to complete the D2L Student Training.

  4. To email the students that need the D2L Student Training, select the [checkbox in the corner] to select all rows on the list, then click on the [Email] Icon.

For more information: