Course Data Analytics


Class Engagement Tool Overview
The Class Engagement Tool provides a consolidated view of activity, progress, and achievement in a course. The tool's interface contains filtering, sorting, and searching capabilities, allowing instructors to easily identify top performers a...
Insights Portal - Engagement Dashboard
The Engagement Dashboard contains visualizations that provide insight into how students are engaging with their courses. The goal of this dashboard is to help instructors to identify at-risk students so that they can intervene and get them back ...
Insights Portal - Learner Engagement Dashboard
The Learner Engagement Dashboard contains visualizations for engagement metrics, such as course activity, assignment status, and course history, for an individual learner across all their courses. NOTE:  Your Engagement Dashboard and...
Quiz Statistics - Insights Portal
The Faculty Assessment Quality dashboard provides a visualization to help faculty understand the quality of assessments using quiz and question statistics for quiz and question types, such as: Reliability Average grade Discrimination index Poin...