New Articles

  1. Microsoft 365 - FAQs

    When will the D2L email system be retired? The D2L email system will be retired on December 18, 2024 . Faculty are encouraged to transition to using the Microsoft 365 widget during the Fall 2024 semester. Can I still use t...
  2. HTML Templates vs Creator+ vs SoftChalk

    Instructors have access to multiple tools which are designed to facilitate the creation of visually appealing and interactive content to engage students. Instructors can create highly interactive course content files using HTML Templates  and Cr...
  3. Install ReadSpeaker into SoftChalk

    There are two ways to setup ReadSpeaker  with your SoftChalk : From SoftChalk Create Online , click on [Settings] → [ReadSpeaker] . From the SoftChalk Desktop App , click [Tools] → [ReadSpeaker] . ...
  4. Use Layouts In Creator+

    D2L Creator+ Layouts  allow instructors to organize content within an HTML page into panels. Making it easy to arrange text, media, and even Creator+ Elements in your course content pages for a more dynamic look. After selecting a layout. Instr...
  5. Use OpenDyslexic in D2L

    OpenDyslexic is an open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. The OpenDyslexic browser extension overrides all fonts on web pages with the OpenDyslexic font, and formats pages to be more easily readable. See e...
  6. Quiz Statistics - Insights Portal

    The Faculty Assessment Quality dashboard provides a visualization to help faculty understand the quality of assessments using quiz and question statistics for quiz and question types, such as: Reliability Average grade Discrimination index Poin...
  7. Authorizing CirQlive MEETS with Webex on D2L

    The following update will take place starting June 1, 2024 : When hosting a Webex session for the first time within a 3 month window , a window will open notifying the instructor that they need to authorize CirQlive MEETS with their Webex ...
  8. Insert Element Using Creator+

    D2L Creator+ Elements are features which can be used to deliver notable, visual, related, or sequenced information in your HTML course content files. Elements allow faculty to quickly and easily build highly appealing, interactive, and enjoyable...
  9. Add ScienceInteractive to Your Course

    ScienceInteractive  delivers rich, interactive lab experiences to all students – no matter where they’re learning from. Students receive hands-on lab kits shipped to their home to follow along with the integration available in D2L. Faculty create...
  10. Class Engagement Tool Overview

    The Class Engagement Tool provides a consolidated view of activity, progress, and achievement in a course. The tool's interface contains filtering, sorting, and searching capabilities, allowing instructors to easily identify top performers and s...