New Articles

  1. HTML Templates - Dynamic Elements

    NOTE : It is recommended you view Getting Started with HTML Templates first before reading this article as it contains the basic navigation instructions for accessing these Dynamic Element Templates . Dynamic Elements are HTML template ...
  2. HTML Templates - Sample Page Layouts

    NOTE: To access the HTML Templates, please follow the steps in Getting Started with HTML Templates . There are currently seven purpose-built sample page layouts available for your course. NOTE: When copying over text from a Word docu...
  3. Outcomes Training

    NOTE:   Please refer to the Outcomes Tool FAQ file for more info. How to Login to the Outcomes Tool Type the following URL address in your search bar: Select [Compliance Assist] . Yo...
  4. Getting Started with HTML Templates

    HTML templates are pre-made page layouts that can be enhanced with individual page elements to create visually appealing, responsive, and interactive custom course materials without having to write any HTML code. Adding HTML Templates to course cont...
  5. Add MyOpenMath to your D2L Course

    NOTE: It is highly recommended that you read all steps before performing them. MyOpenMath does not provide individual email or phone support. If you need assistance adding MyOpenMath to your course please contact MyOp...
  6. Visual Table of Contents Widget

    NOTE: The Visual Table of Contents  Widget is located in   the following Homepage Layouts: Course Home 04a ,  Course Home 04b ,  Course Home 05a , and Course Home 05b . The purpose of the Visual Table of Co...
  7. Slim Announcements

    NOTE: The Slim Announcements widget is located in the following Homepage Layouts: Course Home 05a , Course Home 05b The Slim Announcements widget is a condensed version of the regular announcements widget in D2L. It is designed to ...
  8. Course Overview Widget

    NOTE: The Course Overview widget is located in the following Homepage Layouts:   Course Home 01b , Course Home 03a , Course Home 03b ,  Course Home 04a , Course Home 04b , Course Home 05a ,  Course Home 05b . Chang...
  9. Welcome Window

    NOTE: The Welcome Window is located in   the following Homepage Layouts: Course Home 01b , Course Home 02b , Course Home 03b , Course Home 04b ,  Course Home 05b . The Welcome Window is designed to present a pop-up messa...
  10. Contact Us Widget

    NOTE: The Contact Us  widget is located in the following Homepage Layouts: Course Home 02b , Course Home 03a , Course Home 03b , Course Home 04a , Course Home 04b , Course Home 05a ,  Course Home 05b . The purpose of th...