New Articles

  1. Retrieve Withdrawn Student Course Activity Data

    NOTE : If a course or term is not listed, please use the Archive/Restore Form to restore the desired course. After restoration, refresh the Withdrawn Student Reporting form. The course or term should now appear in the Course Filters . ...
  2. Add a YouTube Video to Your Course

    You can add a YouTube video anywhere you find the [Insert Stuff] icon in a WYSIWYG/HTML editor. Inside the WYSIWYG/HTML  editor (Assignment Submission, Discussion Post, Composing an Email, etc.), click on the [ Insert Stuff]  icon i...
  3. Extended Course Access for a Student

    Follow the steps below to request extended student access to a course in D2L for a student with an incomplete. NOTE: This will only affect your D2L classroom, not the student's academic record in iStar. Show Video Walkthrough ...
  4. Create a Sandbox

    A sandbox is an area where you can work on designing your course that is not visible to students and allows you to use a Test Student. Sandboxes are meant for your individual course development; other people cannot be added to your sandbox. NOTE...
  5. Use a Test Student Account to View Your Course Content

    The impersonate function allows you to “log in” as a specific user. For example, it would be beneficial to impersonate a test student when confirming your newly designed course functions as intended.  NOTE: Instructors may only i...
  6. Release Condition Types

    Condition Type Description Awards - Award Earned The user must have earned a specific award in order to fulfill the release condition Checklist - Completed checklist  The user must complete all items on the selec...
  7. Publish Quiz Grades

    There are two options when publishing quiz grades: Automatic  and Manual . Automatically Publish Quiz Grades From the Navbar , click Course Activities , and then select [Quizzes] . Click the down arrow next to the title of the qu...
  8. Create Sections to Organize Questions

    Show Video Walkthrough   Instructors have the option to create sections to help organize questions. Sections are folders that contain questions, and can be created in the question library or while creating a quiz. Both pathways are si...
  9. Randomize Quiz Questions

    There are two ways to randomize quiz questions. Use the directions below based on how you want to randomize your questions: If you want to deliver a randomized subset of a question pool, follow the instructions for Randomizing a Subset of Questi...
  10. Create a Quiz Submission View

    In order for students to view detailed quiz results (e.g., questions answered incorrectly), you will need to create a submission view for that quiz. Submission views Default view:  A default quiz submission view will appear to students...