New Articles

  1. Delete Assignments

    Delete a Single Assignment Click [Course Activities]  in the navbar and choose [Assignments] . On the Assignments page, click on the arrow next to the name of the assignment you would like to delete, then choose [ Delete Assignment]. ...
  2. Technologist or Designer: Who's the Best to Contact?

    LSC-Online Technologists and Instructional Designers are available to assist faculty with their D2L courses. Appointments with a technologist or designer can be scheduled during business hours. Technologists support: D2L q...
  3. Edit Dates Using Manage Dates

    The Manage Dates tool can be used to edit dates for all of the following: Announcements  Assignments Calendar Checklist Content Discussions Grades Quizzes Survey Intelligent Agents NOTE:  Intelligent agents tha...
  4. Create a Group Assignment

    You may want to create an assignment that allows a group of students to turn in a single submission. This allows you to assign a single grade to the students in the group automatically, and any of the students are able to turn in the submission. Y...
  5. Create Groups

    You can create group work areas for students with the Manage Groups tool and use groups to organize students’ work on projects and assignments. Students can belong to multiple groups within the same course. For example, each student can simu...
  6. Connect a Rubric to an Assignment

    Show Video Walkthrough                                                 From the Navbar , select [ Course Activities] followed by [ Assignments] . Click   the [Dropdown arrow]  ...
  7. Move Your Face-to-Face or Hybrid Course Online

    Steps for Maintaining Instructional Continuity Circumstances may arise that require Lone Star College to move many courses to an online format via D2L (Brightspace by Desire2Learn). We understand that emergency situations are not ideal circumstan...
  8. Set Up Email Notifications in D2L

    Notification settings are found in the personal menu. The personal menu contains links to your profile, notification options, account settings, and log out. You must set up a contact method on the Notifications page to receive instant notificatio...
  9. Use Instructional Technologies for Traditional Classroom Contingency Planning

    Lone Star College (LSC) must be prepared to cope with possible campus closures in the event of natural disasters, communicable disease outbreaks, or other emergencies. Following are some suggestions for alternatives to lectures, homework, exams, c...
  10. Manage Your Course Files

    The Manage Files tool is a file management system for your course. You can use this tool to organize and upload files associated with your course offering. We recommend that you organize your files into folders, creating a folder for each modu...