New Articles

  1. Use the Instant Message Tool to Send & Receive Messages

    You can use Instant Messages to send and receive messages to and from students and other users in D2L. Students can also message each other. Send Messages Click on the Message alert icon (the envelope) in the minibar at the top of the screen,...
  2. Subscribe to a Discussion to Receive Post Alerts

    You can subscribe to a forum, a discussion topic or an individual thread.  Subscribing to a Discussion Forum or Topic Click the [Collaboration]   menu in the navbar , then choose [Discussions] . On the Discussions List page, cl...
  3. Create an Attendance Register

    The attendance register is commonly used for classes that meet in a physical classroom, but it can also be used for recording attendance at required field trips or clinical events. Create a new Attendance Register Show Video Walkthrough ...
  4. Create a Link

    Once you have created a module or sub-module in your table of contents, you can add links to websites in that module. To add links: Click the module in the Table of Contents on the left. Click on the [New] button. Choose the [Crea...
  5. Add and Edit Quiz Questions

    NOTE: The following question types now automatically filters out JavaScript and non-standard HTML: Likert, Ordering, Matching, Fill in the Blanks, Short Answer, Multi-Short Answer, Arithmetic, and Significant Figures . For existing questi...
  6. Apply Discussion Forum Restrictions

    Forums We recommend that you do not apply any of these restrictions at the forum level and instead limit your restrictions to discussion topics. Information on applying restrictions to Discussion Topics can be found on our Edit Discussion Topic - ...
  7. Copy a Discussion Forum, Topic, Thread, or Post

    Click [Collaboration] on the navbar  and choose [Discussions]. Click on [More Actions] button and choose [Copy] . Choose whether you want to copy a forum or topic. In the following example we will copy a Topic . Choose th...
  8. Calculation Methods for Assessing Individual Discussion Posts

    You can evaluate the individual posts of a student and have D2L calculate the topic score for each student, or you can directly assign the student a single score for each topic. If you choose to assess individual posts, you can specify how the syste...
  9. Add McGraw-Hill Connect (LTI 1.3) to Your D2L Course

    NOTE: This is Connect’s recommended Instructor Workflow Video for upgrading to Connect 1.3 (this video is slow to load, please allow a minute or two for the video to fully load).   You can also provide the Student Workfl...
  10. If Students Cannot Access Quiz Through LockDown Browser

    If students have trouble accessing your quiz using LockDown Browser, check the following: The current version of LockDown Browser will be listed on the LockDown Browser Version History page. Instruct students to contact the IT Service Desk if...