New Articles

  1. Merge Course Rosters

    The  Merge Course Rosters  form allows you to combine multiple section rosters into one D2L course. Show Video Walkthrough                       &nb...
  2. Semester Start - Instructor Checklist

    Item Additional Comments Course Shell Verification Verify your course shell is present in your D2L course list. If it is not, check in iStar. Contact your chair or Department Manager if the course is missing in iStar. Contact ...
  3. Release Grade Average to Students

    In order for students to see their current grade (Cumulative Average), or their final grade, you must release the Final Calculated Grade. You can accomplish this by doing the following: Show Video Walkthrough Manually Releasing the Calcul...
  4. Activate a Course

    As newly created course shells become available in D2L, they will need to be activated so that students are able to access them. This is done automatically at the beginning of the semester for each course. However, should you need to activate ...
  5. End of Semester Guide

    This guide will help you with end of semester procedures for your online course. Please note that procedures may differ from campus to campus. End of Semester Guide    Item Additional Comments Export D2L Grades Confirm a...
  6. Print Grades

    Exporting grades to Excel allows you to print the Grades data legibly on as few pages as possible. There are various ways the grades export spreadsheet might be formatted. This article provides one example. Show Video Walkthrough &n...
  7. Add an Attachment to an Assignment

    Instructors often have supporting documents or other files that students need to complete an assignment. These files can be worksheets to be completed, essay prompts, image files, or any other file necessary to complete the assignment. These files...
  8. Edit Dates Using Manage Dates

    The Manage Dates tool can be used to edit dates for all of the following: Announcements  Assignments Calendar Checklist Content Discussions Grades Quizzes Survey Intelligent Agents NOTE:  Intelligent ...
  9. Manage Your Course Files

    The Manage Files tool is a file management system for your course. You can use this tool to organize and upload files associated with your course offering. We recommend that you organize your files into folders, creating a folder for each modu...
  10. Restore a Deleted Discussion Topic

    You may find that you have deleted a discussion topic that you later decide you would like to restore. You can do this in the discussions tool as long as your settings allow for deleted posts to be displayed. Display Deleted Posts On the Discuss...