New Articles

  1. Add H5P Content to Your D2L Course

    Getting Your Course Set Up with H5P Send an email to . Include a list of the courses, complete with section numbers and terms, in which you wish to use H5P. How to Author Content For instructions on authoring content in ...
  2. Add Knewton Alta Assignments to Your D2L Course

    Getting Your Course Set Up with Knewton Send an email to . Include a list of the courses, complete with section numbers and terms, in which you wish to use Knewton. Adding Knewton Alta Material to Your D2L Course For instruc...
  3. Revoke an Award

    In some cases, you may want to revoke a previously granted award. You can use the Search Classlist function to search for a specific learner. Within the course, on the Navbar click [Collaboration]  → [Awards] . Click [Classlist Awards]...
  4. Manually Issue an Award

    In situations when you wish to issue an award but the release criteria do not apply, you can manually issue awards. Show Video Walkthrough From within a course, on the navbar click [Collaboration]  →   [Awards] . Click on the [Cl...
  5. View Awards for a Class

    You can view the awards that have been added to your course or that you have issued to students in a classlist. Students can view a list of the awards they have received and the available awards.  To View Awards You Have Issued to Students From...
  6. Copy an Award from Another Course

    To copy awards from another course, including all the release conditions associated with the award, you must use the Import/Export/Copy Components tool. In the course offering you want to copy the award into, click [Course Management]  on the ...
  7. Add Release Conditions to an Award

    You can add release conditions to an award. This will allow you to release other content or another award to students when they achieve the condition you attached to the original award.  Show Video Walkthrough Within the course, on the ...
  8. Add an Award to Your Course

    The Awards tool enables instructors to issue badges and certificates to recognize student achievements. Use this tool to reward students and introduce an element of gamification to your course (e.g., reward obtaining a high score, submitting a discu...
  9. Request an LMS Integration

    If the integration requires purchasing additional resources such as access codes, books, labs etc.: The additional resources must be readily accessible on the LSC Virtual Bookstore (Akademos) before initiating the LMS Integration Request. ...
  10. Using Webex for Collaboration

    What is Webex Meetings? Webex Meetings is a web conferencing service that connects you with anyone, anywhere, in real time. You can create meetings that combine desktop sharing through a web browser with audio conferencing and video, so everyone ...