Created On: 07/10/2019
in Semester Start
Faculty member instructions for adding vitae to myLoneStar. ...
Created On: 07/01/2019
in Semester Start
If you need to access another faculty member's class for any reason, there are two ways you can accomplish that. Your division schedule builder (talk to your DOS to locate this person) can add you to the course in iStar in the appropriate role. Yo...
Created On: 06/25/2019
in Quizzes Quiz Submission
Occasionally, a quiz is published by mistake before questions have been added to the quiz. When students start that quiz, they will see no questions, simply the option to submit the quiz. As soon as the quiz has been started, there is no way for the...
Created On: 06/19/2019
in Grades Enter Grades
The Adjusted Final Grade column in a course's gradebook in D2L allows an instructor to modify a student's final average. Instructors can use this column to curve student averages as well. Show Video Walkthrough Apply a Curve. Click on...
Show Video Walkthrough Select Course Activities on the navbar and choose Qwickly Attendance . A new window will open for the Qwickly Attendance tool. Select Records in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. You will see a tabl...
Show Video Walkthrough Select [Course Activities] on the navbar and choose [Qwickly Attendance] . A new window will open for the Qwickly Attendance tool. Select [Attendance] in the menu on the left-hand side of the page to choose ...
NOTE: If you are copying a course that has Qwickly already set up, you must delete the grade item in the new course before you enter settings for that course. If you don't, Qwickly will create a second grade item and you will be unabl...
Created On: 06/12/2019
in Accessibility
The goal of accessible learning is that a person with a disability will obtain the information as fully, equally, and independently as a person without a disability. When a learning setting is accessible, a person with a disability is afforded the...
Created On: 06/05/2019
in Grades Publish Grades
Use Adjusted Final Grade. Click Grades from the Navbar. Click Settings from the top right of the screen. Click the Calculation Options tab towards the top of the screen. In the area labeled "Final Grade Released", choose the optio...
Created On: 05/21/2019
in Content
Third-party Integration Content refers to certain publisher content, McGraw Hill videos, Cengage integrations, and other vendor content. ALERT : If you remove a Third-party Integration item from a course without disassociating it from its Gr...