Add Hypothesis to Your D2L Course

This integration is currently only available for LSC-Tomball, LSC-University Park, LSC-Online, and LSC-Montgomery.

LSC-Online does not have access to your Hypothesis account. For integration issues or questions, please contact Hypothesis Support.

Hypothesis is an easy to use pedagogical tool that enables students and teachers to have conversations in the margins of digital texts. Using social annotation gives you new ways to foster student success by building community, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of readings.

  1. From within a D2L Module -> [Add Existing Activities] -> [Third-party Integrations] 

  2. Click on [Create New LTI Link].

  3. Add a title and LTI URL in the corresponding fields:
    [] -> [Create and Insert]

    NOTE: You will be using the URL every time.

  4. Configure assignment as an "External Resource".
    Click [Edit Properties in Place].

  5. Click the checkbox for [Open as External Resource].

  6. Click on the activity you have just created.

  7. Click on [Add a grade item] under Assessment.

    NOTE: Hypothesis will NOT automatically generate a grade item in D2L. Instructors will need to create a grade item for every assignment (Before releasing it to students) in order to receive grades from Hypothesis.

  8. Click on [New Grade Item].

  9. Set your Name, Grade Category, Maximum Points, then click [Create].

    NOTE: Make sure the name is exactly the same as the Grade Activity.

  10. Click [Save].

  11. You now have the option to select the content source for your assignment:
    [Enter URL of web page or PDF], [Select a PDF from Google Drive], or [Select a PDF from OneDrive].

Hypothesis Support

Please head to Hypothesis Support Page for additional support.