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  1. Ally Accessibility Check

    Benefits of Ally Lone Star College-Online strives for an inclusive learning environment by championing the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). To support this effort, the college has adopted Ally, a tool in your D2L courses that...
  2. Quiz Attempt Logs

    The quiz attempt logs track quiz attempt submissions per student, providing both an overview and a detailed set of logs. Access Quiz Attempt Logs On the Quizzes  page, click the arrow next to the quiz name. Choose how you want to access th...
  3. Change and Replace Files

    The Change File action is beneficial to users who are not making major course changes and want to upload an updated file in place of an existing file link in a course. Users who primarily copy templates can use Change File to replace template placeh...
  4. Create an Accessible PDF from a Microsoft Word Document

    The goal of accessible learning is that a person with a disability will obtain the information as fully, equally and independently as a person without a disability. When a learning setting is accessible, a person with a disability is afforded the op...
  5. Course Homepage Layouts

    You can now choose from different homepage layouts to suit your course. The Course Homepages are differed mainly through their layouts, and available widgets. Please browse through the choices below and decide based on what is best for your course...
  6. Proctorless Exams within D2L

    Increasing test security within the existing framework is a first step towards offering proctorless assessments. The following suggestions can be utilized for offering high-stakes testing without the use of a human proctor or proctoring technology, ...
  7. Attendance for In-Person Meetings

    Instructors should take attendance of all individuals that visit class sessions every time a class meets face to face. This attendance can be taken in D2L using the Qwickly tool or in iStar. (These procedures do not apply to online courses that do n...
  8.  Create a File Using the Content Tool

    You can create an HTML file directly from the D2L Content tool. This will allow you to share information without having to create a file in another program such as Microsoft Word . The HTML editor ensures that you don't have to know any HTM...
  9. Associate a Grading Activity with a Grade Item

    Grading Activities can include— but not limited to— assignments and quizzes. To link the Grading Activity with a specific Grade Item in the Gradebook, you want to link from  the Grading Activity to the grade item. In this example, ...
  10. File Conversion Tool

    As you are posting materials online, you may need to convert files from one format to another - for accessibility, pedagogical, or various other reasons. As an example, you may want to convert a PDF file to an MP3 so students can access the material...