New Articles

  1. View Attendance Schemes

    Attendance schemes provide the criteria for marking attendance in a register. Each attendance register uses one attendance scheme, which you assign when creating a new register. The register defines the students and sessions covered, and the attenda...
  2. Upload Items to ePortfolio

    ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent a body of learning. Users can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, or other course work that demonstrate imp...
  3. View the Quizzes Event Log

    The quiz log contains information about the actions taken by the student during a quiz - entries and exits from the quiz, question save times, submission times, etc.  Go to Course Activities  > Quizzes . Click the arrow next to the...
  4. Set Up a Formula Grading System

    Use the Formula grading system when you want to calculate final grades using a custom formula that allows for specific conditions. The Formula grading system is based on the points system but allows you to set conditions around grade items to determ...
  5. Add Toolwire Games to Your D2L Course

    To Enable Toolwire in your D2L Course Send an email to . Include a list of the courses, complete with section numbers and terms, in which you wish to use Toolwire. Adding Toolwire Games to Your D2L Course Click Conten...
  6. D2L Course Calendar Basics

    Accessing the D2L Calendar Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of Calendar . Click [Go to Calendar] from the Calendar widget drop-down menu. Changing Calendar Color Click the drop-down arrow next to [All Calendars] and click t...
  7. Create Modules and Submodules in Content

    You must create a module before you can add topics. You can create submodules (modules within existing modules) to establish a deeper hierarchy. Show Video Walkthrough To Add a Module On the Navbar , click [Content] . In the Table...
  8. Enroll Students in Groups

    Enrolling students in groups Students are enrolled in Groups based on the enrollment options selected on the New Category page. See directions for how to use New Category to create groups in the article Create Groups . You will use the Enro...
  9. Create Groups

    You can create group work areas for students with the Manage Groups tool and use groups to organize students’ work on projects and assignments. Students can belong to multiple groups within the same course. For example, each student can simul...
  10. StudyMate Campus Guides

    StudyMate Campus makes it easy for teachers and students to create flash cards, self-assessments, and learning games for D2L. It  allows instructors and students to create (and share) an unlimited number of StudyMate projects. StudyMate Campu...