New Articles

  1. Upload Items to ePortfolio

    ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent a body of learning. Users can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, or other course work that demonstrate imp...
  2. LOR: Update a Learning Object

    You can only update objects you have published to the LOR in the Shared Faculty Repository. You cannot edit them in the LOR; you must edit them inside your course and then Publish to the LOR. Inside your course, make changes to your original objec...
  3. Designing Your Course with Course Builder

    The best use of Course Builder is to create the structure of a course before you have added content. By designing the course in advance, you maximize your chances of creating a complete and cohesive course. Once your structure is built, you can quic...
  4. Enter Attendance

    Click on Course Activities on the navbar and choose Attendance . Click on the name of the Attendance Register. Click on the Enter Attendance Data icon to for a class session to enter attendance for that session. Use the Attendance Status dro...
  5. Add Topics to a Content Module

    Once you have created a module or sub-module to your table of contents, you can add topics to that module. Show Video Walkthrough To add files from your computer, the Manage files area, or the LOR, to create links, or to create a file: C...
  6. Create Modules and Submodules in Content

    You must create a module before you can add topics. You can create submodules (modules within existing modules) to establish a deeper hierarchy. Show Video Walkthrough To Add a Module On the Navbar , click [Content] . In the Table...
  7. View Attendance Schemes

    Attendance schemes provide the criteria for marking attendance in a register. Each attendance register uses one attendance scheme, which you assign when creating a new register. The register defines the students and sessions covered, and the attenda...
  8. Create an Attendance Scheme

    Attendance schemes provide the criteria for marking attendance in a register. Each attendance register uses one attendance scheme, which you assign when creating a new register. The register defines the applicable students and sessions, and the atte...
  9. Edit an Attendance Scheme

    You cannot edit the Organization Default System Scheme, but you can edit an attendance scheme that you have created. Editing an Attendance Scheme Click on Course Activities  and choose  Attendance . Click on the Attendance Schemes  tab. Click...
  10. Edit an Attendance Register; Delete a Session

    Edit an Attendance Register Go to Course Activities  > Attendance . From the dropdown menu beside the register you want to edit, choose Edit Register . You can now edit any of the fields as in Creating an Attendance Register . Delete a S...