Popular Articles

  1. Add H5P Content to Your D2L Course

    Getting Your Course Set Up with H5P Send an email to VTAC@lonestar.edu . Include a list of the courses, complete with section numbers and terms, in which you wish to use H5P. How to Author Content For instructions on authoring content in ...
  2. YuJa Tips

    Tips To navigate to YuJa in D2L, please use the following route: D2L NavBar -> [Course Activities] ->  [YuJa Media Platform] . Do NOT manually create grade items in D2L for YuJa quizzes. You must use the YuJa auto-generate...
  3. Account Settings

    Account Settings To find Account Settings click on your name in the upper right of D2L. Then click [Account Settings] . You may edit these default settings: Pronouns Allow others to see my pronouns When enabled, your pronouns ap...
  4. D2L Virtual Assistant

    The D2L Virtual Assistant can help facilitate communication, assisting with inquiries, and pointing you towards the right direction for further assistance. If you have simple questions or need direction on a specific issue, you can turn to the v...
  5. Copy an Award from Another Course

    To copy awards from another course, including all the release conditions associated with the award, you must use the Import/Export/Copy Components tool. In the course offering you want to copy the award into, click [Course Management]  on...
  6. Restore Deleted Grade Item

    If you accidentally delete a grade item, it can be restored in the event log. Click on Grades in the navbar. Click on More Actions and choose View Event Log . To the right of the grade item that you want to restore, click Restore . This...
  7. Add Knewton Alta Assignments to Your D2L Course

    Getting Your Course Set Up with Knewton Send an email to VTAC@lonestar.edu . Include a list of the courses, complete with section numbers and terms, in which you wish to use Knewton. Adding Knewton Alta Material to Your D2L Course For instruc...
  8. Copy an Assignment

    Copy an Assignment D2L allows faculty to copy assignment folders within a course. This feature copies over most of the original folder's settings, but does not include gradebook associations or Turnitin settings. Click the [Course Activities...
  9. How to Convert a Webex Recording Link into a YuJa Video Link

    To convert your Webex videos into YuJa video links, the process is as follows: 1) Download  your videos from Webex. 2) Upload  your videos to YuJa. 3) Link  your YuJa videos into your D2L Content Module. Download Videos from We...
  10. When a Student Has Taken a Quiz with No Questions

    Occasionally, a quiz is published by mistake before questions have been added to the quiz. When students start that quiz, they will see no questions, simply the option to submit the quiz. As soon as the quiz has been started, there is no way for the...