Popular Articles

  1.  Grade an Assignment with a Rubric

    See Connect a Rubric to an Assignment for information on connecting a rubric to your assignment. You can evaluate a student's assignment submission using a rubric associated with the assignment folder. For each associated rubric, you can grad...
  2. Subscribe to a Discussion to Receive Post Alerts

    You can subscribe to a forum, a discussion topic or an individual thread.  Subscribing to a Discussion Forum or Topic Click the [Collaboration]   menu in the navbar , then choose [Discussions] . On the Discussions List page, cl...
  3. Edit an Attendance Register; Delete a Session

    Edit an Attendance Register Go to Course Activities  > Attendance . From the dropdown menu beside the register you want to edit, choose Edit Register . You can now edit any of the fields as in Creating an Attendance Register . De...
  4. Publish Quiz Grades

    There are two options when publishing quiz grades: Automatic  and Manual . Automatically Publish Quiz Grades From the Navbar , click Course Activities , and then select [Quizzes] . Click the down arrow next to the title of the qu...
  5. About the LOR: Shared Faculty Repository

    To view the LOR (Learning Object Repository) go to  Course Management > LOR . The Shared Faculty Repository is accessible to all Faculty members in D2L. Faculty are under no obligation to share content and can use the repository as a p...
  6. Create a Selectbox Grade Column

    A Selectbox grade item allows you to grade students by assigning a grade scheme level that is equivalent to a percentage grade (e.g. 90%-100% = “Excellent”). NOTE: The Selectbox grade item cannot be associated with content tools. Rat...
  7.  Set Up Qwickly Attendance

    NOTE: If you are copying a course that has Qwickly already set up, you must delete the grade item in the new course before you enter settings for that course. If you don't, Qwickly will create a second grade item and you will be u...
  8.  Grant Students Special Access on an Assignment

    Use this feature to grant one or more students access to your assignments outside of the date restrictions set for the rest of the class. Show Video Walkthrough Adding Special Access for Students On the Edit Folder screen, click the [...
  9. Assign the Same Grade to Multiple Students

    The following article explains how to simultaneously  assign the same grade for multiple students. Within the course, click Grades  > Enter Grades . Click on the arrow next to a grade item title. Select Enter Grades from the dr...
  10. Edit Multiple Assignments Using Bulk Edit

    You can edit multiple assignments at once. Edit multiple assignment folders On the Assignment Folders  page, select the checkbox beside each folder you want to edit. Click the Bulk Edit  icon. Update the appropriate fields. Fol...