New Articles

  1. Extend Yuja Quiz Auto-Sync

    Currently the Auto-sync between the YuJa Video/Playback Quiz beginning from the quiz's creation date lasts approximately 30 days. Once this limit is reached, the quiz will no longer auto-sync with the D2L gradebook. If your YuJa Video/Playback Q...
  2. Add a YuJa Video as a Direct Link into D2L

    Mouse over your video and click [More] . Within the Media Details window, click on [Links] tab on the left, then click on the [Copy Direct Link] icon at the end of your video's Direct Link as shown. This will copy your video's di...
  3. Use Translated Matching in Turnitin

    NOTE:   Translated Matching should be automatically enabled in Turnitin for all courses created in D2L on or after October 2022 , you do not need to do anything else at this point to enable it for your course. If you do not see the ...
  4. How to Convert a Webex Recording Link into a YuJa Video Link

    To convert your Webex videos into YuJa video links, the process is as follows: 1) Download  your videos from Webex. 2) Upload  your videos to YuJa. 3) Link  your YuJa videos into your D2L Content Module. Download Videos from We...
  5. Search in YuJa Using Filter by Location

    The Filter by Location option will allow you to narrow down your search results in YuJa, this will help you locate videos faster. Click on the Filter Icon next to the search bar. Under the Filter by Location , click Choose Location . ...
  6. Disable Fast Forwarding on a YuJa Video/Playback Quiz

    Find the video in your Manage Media library you wish to create a Playback Quiz and choose the More menu link.   Click on Quizzes menu link in the left navigation.   Click on Create Playback Quiz button.   Title ...
  7. Copy Course Components (Simple)

    NOTE : The following steps must be carried out within the destination course , which is where you intend to copy the course content to. Navigate to [Course Admin] . Click [Import/Export/Copy Components] . Click the radio button...
  8. YuJa Quiz Grades Not Syncing To D2L Gradebook

    Currently the Auto-sync between the YuJa Video/Playback Quiz beginning from the quiz's creation date lasts approximately 30 days. Once this limit is reached, the quiz will no longer auto-sync with the D2L gradebook. If your YuJa Video/Playback Q...
  9. YuJa Tips

    Tips To navigate to YuJa in D2L, please use the following route: D2L NavBar -> [Course Activities] ->  [YuJa Media Platform] . Do NOT manually create grade items in D2L for YuJa quizzes. You must use the YuJa auto-generate...
  10. Add AchieveWorks Personality and Skills to Your D2L Course

    NOTE: Applicable to only EDUC courses across all LSC campuses. With  AchieveWorks Personality Assessment  students can discover their personality type to learn how and where they will be most successful. You can add AchieveWorks Pe...