New Articles

  1. Add a File to a Module

    Once you have created a module or sub-module in your table of contents, you can add topics to that module. To add files from your computer, such as your syllabus and instructional materials: Show Video Walkthrough Click the module in th...
  2. Campus Closure Preparedness Overview

    Lone Star College (LSC) must be prepared to cope with possible campus closures in the event of natural disasters, communicable disease outbreaks, or other emergencies. Information for Faculty If you want to prepare for a possible move to online t...
  3. Use Video Note

    Video Notes are available in any tool with an HTML editor. You can add videos to assignment instructions or as downloadable files, discussion posts, emails, etc. The method varies slightly depending on the course tool you are using but the basic ste...
  4. Visibility and Completion Options in Content Modules

    Modules and topics have the ability to be hidden or made visible. Additionally, Faculty can adjust how users track their completion of modules and topics in D2L. Adjust Visibility of Modules and Sub-Modules From [Content] , click the name of t...
  5. Restore Deleted Grade Item

    If you accidentally delete a grade item, it can be restored in the event log. Click on Grades in the navbar. Click on More Actions and choose View Event Log . To the right of the grade item that you want to restore, click Restore . This...
  6. Annotate Student Submissions

    D2L Assignments contain a built-in annotation toolbar that allows faculty to highlight, draw, create shapes, and write comments on student submissions.  Enabling/Disabling Annotations From the Assignments listing, click the arr...
  7. D2L Student Training

    Students who are taking any fully online or hybrid courses are required to complete the D2L Student Training . They must finish the cumulative quiz with a score of 80% or higher before they can access their online or hybrid courses. Student...
  8. Restore a Deleted Quiz Attempt

    The Attempt Log enables you to view information about specific activity on quiz attempts. The attempt log tracks the student taking the quiz, the quiz entry time, the quiz completion time, deleted and restored attempts, and the user who modified eac...
  9. Change and Replace Files

    The Change File action is beneficial to users who are not making major course changes and want to upload an updated file in place of an existing file link in a course. Users who primarily copy templates can use Change File to replace template placeh...
  10. Add H5P Content to Your D2L Course

    Getting Your Course Set Up with H5P Send an email to . Include a list of the courses, complete with section numbers and terms, in which you wish to use H5P. How to Author Content For instructions on authoring content in ...