Popular Articles

  1. Retrieve Objects from a LOR for Your Class

    Access the course to add a LOR object.  From the nav bar, click Content . In the left-hand column, select the module to place the LOR object.  Click the New  button, and select the Add Object from LOR option.   In the...
  2. View Student Photos-Faculty View

    Student photos are loaded into iStar and are available for faculty to view from the Class Rosters or the Student Services Center. View the Class Roster MyLonestar > Faculty Center > My Schedule > Class Roster From the Class Roster, clic...
  3. Publish a Quiz or Question Library from Respondus to D2L

    Respondus allows a quiz or question library to be published to a D2L course or courses. If you have not installed Respondus 4.0, see Installing or Updating Respondus 4.0 & StudyMate Author . Publishing a Quiz or Question Library to D2L In R...
  4. LSC Copyright Policy

    Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including: literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works.&n...
  5. Use a Rubric with a Grade Column

    Rubrics may be tied directly to a Grade item (gradebook column) for manually graded assignments where no connection to a D2L tool exists, such as a face-to-face assignment. Students are not able to see the rubric before it is graded. If you want stu...
  6. Delete an Object from the LOR

    NOTE:  Only the person who published an item to the LOR can delete it. Click  Course Management on the navbar then choose LOR . NOTE:   If a LOR is restricted to certain groups or courses, you may not see that LOR until yo...
  7. LOR: Change Versions of a Learning Object in Your Course

    You may need to update content in your courses you added from a LOR. Access your course, and select the course module. Click the arrow next to the object that has been added from the LOR using a link (either a dynamic link or a locked link). ...
  8. LOR: Unhide an Object in the Shared Faculty Repository

    LOR Hidden objects cannot be found by others in a search.  NOTE:  Only the publishing faculty member can unhide an object in the LOR.  From the nav bar, select Course Management > LOR . Select the  Shared Faculty Re...
  9. Add, Delete, or Update Syllabi in myLoneStar

    Faculty member instructions for adding syllabi in myLoneStar.  ...
  10. Create a Group Assignment

    You may want to create an assignment that allows a group of students to turn in a single submission. This allows you to assign a single grade to the students in the group automatically, and any of the students are able to turn in the submission. You...