Send Email to Both Students' D2L and Email Addresses

You can email your students at both their D2L and their email accounts simultaneously using the Address Book in the D2L email tool. Follow the steps below.

Configure Settings for Internal and External Email Addresses

  1. Click on Collaboration on the navbar and choose Email.

  2. Click on Settings in the top right corner of the screen.
    Shows Settings
  3. Under Display Options, make sure that "Show internal email addresses in the Address Book" and "Show external email addresses in the Address Book" are checked.

    Identifies Show Internal and Show External email addresses in Display Options

  4. Click on the Save button.

Send an Email

  1. Click on the Compose button.

    Identifies Compose button

  2. A new window opens. Click on Address Book in the top right corner.

    Shows Address Book

  3. Set the filter to the class containing the students you want to send emails to.

    Shows the

  4. Select the students you want to send email to. If you want to send email to all the students at their D2L and email addresses, click the box at the top of the list to select all the addresses.

    Indicates Select All checkbox in list of email addresses

  5. Click the "Bcc" link to put all the email addresses in the Bcc field of the email.

    Identifies BCC

  6. Click on the Add Recipients button to add the selected students to the email in the selected field.

    NOTE: Make sure you include the students on every page if there are multiple pages of students in the Address Book.

    Identifies Add Recipient button

  7. Compose your email in the body area, and then click the Send button.