Set Up a Formula Grading System

Use the Formula grading system when you want to calculate final grades using a custom formula that allows for specific conditions. The Formula grading system is based on the points system but allows you to set conditions around grade items to determine the final grade. For example, you could require that users receive at least 50% on their midterm and final exams to pass a course.

NOTE: Setting up a Formula Grading System can be complex, and it is easy to make errors that are hard to locate. If you would like help setting up or troubleshooting a Formula Grading System, you can set up an appointment with an Instructional Designer or a VTAC Technologist from the VTAC Support page.

Set Up Formula Grading System

  1. Access the course in D2L where you would like to set up the Formula grading system.
  2. Click on Grades on the navbar.
  3. Select Settings.Shows Grades menu and identifies settings icon.
  4. Click the Calculation Options tab.Shows Grade settings and identifies the calculation options tab.
  5. Select the Formula radio buttonIndicates the Formula radio button.
  6. Click Save. You will receive two confirmation requests: 1) You are about to save changes. Are you sure you want to continue? and 2) Are you sure you want to change the Grading System for the org unit? Click Yes both times.
  7. Click Close. (This should bring you back to the Manage Grades page. If not, click Grades > Manage Grades.)
  8. On the Manage Grades page, click the Final Calculated Grade option. Identifies the Final Calculated Grade option.
  9. Enter a value for the Maximum Points field (normally 100).
  10. Click the Edit Using the Formula Editor link to enter a formula.Identifies the
  11. Select a Function from the dropdown menu and click Start.
    • Functions include:
      MAX - calculates the maximum of a series of values
      MIN - calculates the minimum
      SUM - adds a series of values
      AVG - calculates the average
      IF - Boolean operator
      NOT - Boolean operatorShows the formula Function dropdown menu and indicates the Start button..
  12. From the dropdown list, choose a Grade Item to include in your formula and select which associated value you'd like to use:
    • Points Received
    • Max Points
    • Percent - Points Received divided by Max PointsIdentifies the Grade item selector and shows the function and points received dropdown menus.
  13. Click the Next Term button to include additional grade items. A comma will be inserted to separate items.
  14. Click End to finish the formula.
  15. Optional, but recommended: Click Validate. You will receive an error message if the formula is invalid.
    Shows the Formula Editor options and identifies the
  16. Optional: Click Preview to check how your formula will calculate grades for the first ten students in your course. Click Close when done previewing.
  17. Click Insert to insert the formula into the grade item and close the formula editor box.
NOTE: You can make some manual entries directly in the workspace of the Formula Editor, but it is recommended that you use the keypad and list of grade items and functions provided in D2L to create your formula.
  1. Click Save and Close.