Course Design Checklist & Syllabus Template

The Syllabus Template and the Online course development Checklist can be used to assist you in building a quality online course. Click on the link provided to download each resource.

The Online Course Development Checklist is to aid you in creating your syllabus as well as designing and developing your course within D2L. 

The Syllabus Template is a pre-formatted Word file that will allow you to easily add your own information. 

See the following instructions for editing the syllabus and adding it to your course:

Download and Edit the Syllabus

  1. Download the LSC Syllabus Template from above and save to a known location on your computer.
  2. Using Microsoft Word or a similar program, open the syllabus template saved in step 1.
  3. Add your information to the template. When finished, select File > Save As… and save the file name as specified by your division or department. If you have not been provided with specific file name instructions, you may find it helpful to name the file using the following convention: Course.Section.Semester.InstructorLastName(EDUC1300.AAAA.Fa20.Doe).
  4. Repeat step 4 to save the file, but change the file type to PDF. This version will be posted in D2L.

Add the Syllabus to Your Course

  1. Login to D2L and enter your course.
  2. Navigate to the module or sub-module where you want to post the syllabus.
  3. Follow the directions for how to Add a File to a Module and choose the PDF version you saved in the above section.